Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Walking has always been and will always be my main source of exercise,..and it's even better for you when you do it in heels!

Today has been quite a long day. I was unable to find my first class, which isn't at all a big deal, but it was to me. Then I had some serious hat hair going on. It was like whoa. But then my friend Sarah and I went to an bhialann (the restaurant in Gaelic) and chilled for like 4 hours. Haha We had an incredibly long break, but it was great to rest. I'm not sure why but my whole body aches. Did I mention I have a sore throat? Pray it gets better soon! 
Outside The Quays
We ran into some friends we made on our way downtown the other night Colm and William, nice Irish boys who gave us directions. I didn't realize they went to school with us! I had forgotten William and I reintroduced myself. Fail. I felt so bad. He said, "Well F you too, Roxie. I remembered you. You're breakin me heart, Roxie." In America, that would be offensive. In Ireland, it's just hilarious. And another thing, Irish boys cannot dance. Poor things. They really truly honestly can't dance one bit. It's sad because they are so cute and charming, (and those accents) but they have zero rhythmic bones in their entire bodies. Or at least that's what I thought until the other night! I was literally swept off my feet by John Paul who used to riverdance, and he is a FANTASTIC dancer.  He also goes to my school. We had tea together today. (Well, he had tea while I learned about Celtic Woman and hurling.) He was dipping and twirling me at a pub called The Quays [the keys]. It's a fun, touristy spot downtown. It's a pub with a mini makeshift dance floor on the bottom level. I'm pretty sure I met Prince Harry's twin there the other night. Finn Considine. :) Haha That's a whole 'notha story though. I will add a picture of me and him just as soon as they are posted.
Inside The Quays
Anyways, I have no class on Tuesday but on Wednesday (today), I will be at school from from "half ten" in the morning til at least 9 at night. BUT I met with the Christian Union Society today, and I loved it. It was such a diverse group. There was worship and tea and such nice people. I met people from all over: Canada, Nigeria, Limerick, Sligo, Dublin, Galway, Texas, North Dakota, Minnesota, South Africa.   MAN, I am so glad I decided to stay even though I was falling asleep in my class from 5 to 7 pm. Well worth staying! They also told of of 3 possible church I could attend. Galway City Church and Discovery Church were my 2 personal favorites. I really hope I get to work with Irish children while I am here. (I also have no class on Friday! Did that on purpose!)
Close enough.
The set up is slightly different.
Actual pics soon to come!
Menlo Park Apartments
I feel like there was something I wanted to tell you guys...Oh yes. About where I live in Galway! I live in Menlo Park apartments. There are incredible nice to look at, inside and out. Two main problems: The shower is only hot in the mornings and my washer doesn't currently work, BUT someone came and picked up all of our laundry today. Yes! That's what I call making the best out of the worst. I have one roommate, Amanda, from Colorado who is super sweet and fun. I have 3 other house mates, all very sweet girls!Also, jet lag is still getting to me. I woke up at 3am this morning and was unable to go back to sleep. It was quite depressing. But all in all it was a great day. So tired. I hope to get pictures of all my new friends posted soon. :)
Fact of the Day: Meaning of Mac and O infront of Irish names. So if in the old days a Son took on his father's first name as a surname a Mac was added to the front to signify that the name came from his father. The O is the same thing but only for a grandfather and grandson situation. Isn't that interesting?!
Second Fact of the Day: A popular word here is craic. It is Gaelic for fun. "What's the craic?" means like "What's going on?" or "What's fun?" You can also say like "Some craic!" Meaning how fun. Isn't that interesting?

1 comment:

  1. Roxie Mays! I did not know you had a blog. I'm definitely going to follow you now.

