Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Word to the Wise: Never take fashion advice from guys and always over dress!

Dublin! After getting my bags and passing through yet another security measure AND getting my passport stamped (woohoo!), I find my friend Fallon (David Fallon) nearly asleep, waiting for me. (BTDubbs: Psychology majors get teased about "psycho analyzing" everyone in Ireland as well..It's true. We do that. lol) Poor Fallon! I think he had been there since before I was supposed arrive around 4pm. It was now like 8:30 pm. And he was only concerned about me getting there. :(What a great friend! Fallon happens to be from Dublin! I met him through a mutual friend of ours, Bret Boylan, back in Jackson, while he was attending Lambuth University! Before Fallon returned to Dublin, we went to see Harry Potter together (LOVED IT), and I mentioned I might be coming to Dublin soon! He said I could stay with him for a bit, and that is exactly what happened. His parents were the absolutest nicest and most accommodating. ( I didn't meet them until the following day.) Fallon was great host as well. His mom made him clean up for me. Haha I can't wait to visit them again! (I should have taken pictures of their house because it was so nice.)

When I got stuck with Lynsey!
Seeing as it's New Years Eve, I'm pumped. Probably exhausted somewhere inside my head but between the power nap on the plane and the excitement of finally arriving, sleep is the last thing on my mind. We get a cab to Fallon's house. (They don't normally tip cab drivers. Bizarre, right? Unless they help you with your bags or something.) Here, I would like to sadly state that Fallon mislead me to think that where we were going would be fairly casual; therefore, I did not wear the fabulous sequin dress I bought for New Years. Turns out that was FALSE. I wore black boots, black Levi skinny jeans, and a cute quarter length tan sweater with my black leather jacket and a red infinity scarf. So I wasn't looking too bad, of course. Nothing was going to stop me from having a good time in Dublin, Ireland on New Years! We took a double decker bus back downtown to meet Fallon's friends Grant (Adam Grant) and Lysnsey. For those of you back in the states, the drinking age here is 18. Muahahaha, That is another reason to love Ireland and the UK. We went to a pub called Temple Bar and several other pubs in the Temple Bar area. It's a fairly touristy spot but many locals were there as well that night. The streets were packed with "drunken louts" as Fallon called them and girls in short, clingy dresses, tights, and high heels. (Thanks a lot Fallon. Ha I also met Chase and Kelsey, two Americans, and both from Tennesse. Such a small world. I plan to visit Chase in Paris later this semester! There was an outside concert on the College Green but Fallon and I were able to get tickets so we just went to another pub (I think that is when I missed the countdown. Ha The details are kinda fuzzy now.) Highlights of the night, getting stuck in this weird hallway with Lynsey that was only for Staff and missing the countdown because I was in the "Toilet."
This is the emergency exit sign, not the sign for
Toilets. Lesson learned the hard way!

I walked out to find Fallon with his arms crossed. "You missed the countdown!" I felt bad but it wasn't that big of a deal. Haha The night went on without any hitches. I think that was the night I got introduced to one of man's best creations - Supermacs.

I would later come to LOVE the garlic fries!
It's similar to Mickey Dees but slight different. Apparently, I ordered the biggest burger on the menu! Who knows..We caught the bus home, where I got to meet more of Fallon's friends who you'll hear about in later posts. Great guys - Ian and Jason aka Jay O. What a night! Pretty sure I slept in until 2pm the next day. Yeah, I didn't see too much daylight those first couple of days in Dublin. :)


PS. I got called "teethy" as well. Best term ever. I can't tell you guys what that means. Haha 

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